
The setting sun melts through the silhouetted trees and sets them ablaze with the fire of a day that's breathing its last breath

and as the exhale slowly swallows the sky I begin to realize that the fire dancing between the blackened branches of the trees

is the same fire that rests inside my blazing soul.


Before the stars have taken to their heavenly thrones

and after the sun has descended into his nightly bed,

in that place,

where dreams are nearer than the morning's coming wakefulness

and where hopes and fears can begin anew,

in that place is where I find the answer and that answer is simply this:

be here now.


Now is not a memory.

Now is not a hope.

Good or bad, now is what we have.

A sunset's grandeur is in no small way owing to its brevity and its passing gives life to a new and ancient world of beauty we call by the name of Night.

She steeps the world in her charms and we drink deep until the morning sun begins to climb

as though it were a simple thing like ascending a cosmic ladder.


We bid farewell and we say hello,

but all we do,

we do now.