
I’m in love;

yes, in love.

If you were to ask, I’d tell you

it’s so.

I think I must

have fallen not long ago.


It began in September,

when she would arrive

and I would be

filled with awe and with wonder,

with the color she brings,

with the joy and the beauty

and the warmth of the sky.

She smiles,

I cry.

Not tears of anguish,

but tears from inside:

tears of unworthy affection.


As I said,

this began in September,

but October soon followed.

Too soon in fact;

too soon and too fast,

but nonetheless

I fell further in love

and deeper into

more of her presence;

more than I knew.


Trees turned color,

lost leaves.

Even the tamaracks,

though they seemed evergreens.

As the forests caught fire,

they burned without heat,

but the colors of flame

were warm.

And the greater their beauty,

the grander the world,

the more I loved her.

I tell you,

it’s true!


October passed,

November rolled in.

Still she possessed me.

My heart on fire;

My tired soul


as the forest.


But as all things,

so this love

was impermanent.

She grew too cold

and my soul did the same.

The trees lost their flame

as snow cooled them all

her beauty, now,

is frost and not fire.

The love that was there

is there no longer;

winter consumed her
