
Water erupts skyward.

This synthetic geyser

is seamless.

Unified droplets defy

gravity, with one mind,

in streams.

Upward as an airlift,

arching through the mist

at peak.

Fragmenting, stalling;

separate and longing

for floods.

The infinite waterspout

ends with falling out

of touch.

Droplets make impact,

exploding at last;

time’s up.


They fly together,

they fall alone;

lightening splashes

in the concrete

one and all.

Quickly up,

quickly down,

darkened ground,

recycled after everything.


We are born naked,

the opposite of faded

for years.

No past exists.

The future is

more real.

We are leaves

on autumn trees

in fields.

Identical to each,

but separately unique

close up.

Together once at dawn,

at dusk dissect our own

for blood.

Falling from our branches

with no more second chances

at love.


We rise together,

we fall alone;

lightening flashes

in our timing.

Quickly here,

quickly gone,

decaying songs,

recycled after everything.