Grey as the Truth of a Rainy Day

These clouds are here to stay,

grey as the truth of a rainy day,

quiet enough to keep the birds away,

dark enough to keep the sun in her grave.


I’m in love with the rain…

with the sound that she makes on the window pain;

in love with the cleansing and the washing away.

The beautiful smells are a perfect refrain.


But these clouds won’t pass.

They’re empty as a broken glass,

blocking the sun without feeding the grass,

enshrouding the world without mourning the past.


And I think to myself,

is this not Hell?

To be trapped in great health?

To be lost in oneself?


I’m tired; weariness grows everyday.

It’s grey as the truth of a rainy day.

Something simple and pure is so far away,

but I just want the sun to smile on me.


God, If this is all that there is,

if this is all that I am,

let a smile be your benediction

as we say goodbye one last time…