Dawn (Part Two)


The Sunrise.

She needs no photograph,

no filter,

no hashtag,

no likes or shares.

Truly truly,

such things would be a disservice to her purpose.

And as I stare eastward,

statuesque in form,

infilling my soul with expansive illumination,

imbibing the serenity of birdsong,

ingesting the crisp, cool air,

in that moment,

Dawn speaks,

her voice little more than a whisper to the soul.

"This is for you," she says,

"Let others find me when they will.

Encourage not a life vicarious.

Rather, cherish our companionship;

protect our bond.

Return to me tomorrow

and again the next day

and the day after

until forever has an end."


Dawn fades into golden morning,

her voice disappearing with her,

and I depart,

eagerly awaiting tomorrow's rendezvous

as a lonely man looks toward the reincarnation of his lost lover.