Razor's Edge

I feel

like I

stand upon

the brink

of disaster     or salvation.

The razor

blade edge,

paper thin

and unforgiving,

cuts me.

My feet

drip red

life into

the abyss

beneath me.


A crowd

gathers below.

As piranhas

drawn to

a feast,

they jeer     and sympathize;

I hear

both love     and hate.

The chants

to leap

in faith

equal those

that demand

a fall.

I wish

for neither,

and yet,

do not

wish to

remain here.


My soles,

they sting.

My soul

has torn.

I walk

the tightrope,

slicing fresh

skin with

each further

step down

razor wire.

Blood dribbles

into greedy

open mouths;

they taste

my pain,     my perseverance,

endlessly insatiable

mosquitos one

and all.


But still

I inch

my way

to safety.

The conflicting

chants reach

my ears

and threaten

to make

me mad     or resolute.

They don't

fully realize

I will

neither leap     nor fall.